I was supposed to catch an early flight from San Diego to Las Vegas, from Las Vegas to Philadelphia @ 7am. The line for security check was extremely long. After I saw that I still had a good 25 people in front of me and 20 minutes till departure I decided to see if security could help me through the line.
Mission failed. Security had me running around the airport while time continued to click. After I went through security, I didn’t even bother to put my shoes on I ran like no other. I arrive at the gate at 6:55am only to find that the airplane doors were closed. They would not open them for me. I missed my flight. Luckily there was one more seat left on the next flight to Philly @ 10am. So I had a short layover in Phoenix and finally arrived in Philadelphia. Everyone was there waiting for me.
So what am I doing in Philly?
No not eating the Philly cheese steak sandwiches. I am actually here just for pick up, then I am off to Lancaster, PA. So what am I doing in Philly?

I am in Pennslyvania for training with Hope International. I will be here for two days absorbing good knowledge about microfinance and discussing our mission for this summer internship. Then I am off to the Dominican Republic for 11 weeks where I will serve as a liaison between Esperanza and Kiva.
So what a little bit about HOPE: (actually just click on this link) http://www.hopeinternational.org/site/PageServer?pagename=about_history

But for those who want the glimpse this is their mission, method, and motivation:
To invest in the dreams of the poor in the world's underserved communities so that they might be released from physical and spiritual poverty.
We offer small business loans, savings services, biblically-based business training, and mentoring and coaching from a Christ-centered perspective.
The love of Jesus Christ motivates us to identify with the poor and care for their physical and spiritual condition.
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